These Rules provide and define essential information about the processing of personal data by the Store, the storage of such data and the rights of data subjects. The following terms related to personal data are used in the rules:

• Personal data is any information about an identified or identifiable natural person.

• A natural person is a person whose identity can be directly or indirectly identified by either an identifier (name, surname, one place of personal identification, local data and internet identifier) ​​or by several physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or signs of social identity.

• Data processing means any operation and / or sequence of operations carried out by automated or non-automated means on personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, recording, sorting, systematisation, adaptation, modification, retrieval, access, use, disclosure by transfer , may be used for distribution or other creation, as well as collation or merging with other data, restriction, deletion or destruction.

• The recipient of the data is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body to whom the personal data are disclosed, whether or not it is a third party. Public authorities which, under European Union or Member State law, may obtain personal data in the course of a specific investigation shall not be considered as recipients of the data; in processing those data, those authorities shall comply with the applicable data protection rules appropriate to the purposes of the processing.

• A third party is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that is not a data subject, a controller, a processor, or a person authorized by the direct controller or processor to process personal data.

• The consent of the data subject is any free, specific and unambiguous expression of the power of a duly informed data subject in a statement or unequivocal act that consents to the processing of personal data concerning him or her.

• A data subject is a natural person whose personal data are processed.

• Special categories of data are personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, as well as data revealing health data, data on a person's sexual life and / or sexual orientation.

By using the services provided by the Store and / or registering in the Store and providing the Seller with his / her personal data, the Visitor (Buyer) agrees that the Seller manages and processes the personal data provided by the Visitor (Buyer) for e-commerce purposes only on legal grounds defined in personal data protection legislation:

• In accordance with the consent of the Visitor (Buyer);

• Seek to conclude and / or execute the Agreement with the Visitor (Buyer).

It should be noted that the Seller processes the following personal data of the Visitor (Buyer):

• Personal data provided by the Visitor (Buyer) when registering in the Seller's Store (for example, name, surname, e-mail address) and thus provides for the processing of such personal data;

• Personal data received upon concluding the Agreement (name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, address of the place of residence or other address of the place of delivery);

• Other data that is collected based on the consent of the Visitor (Buyer) and that is defined in detail at the time the consent is requested from the Visitor (Buyer);

• Other data obtained in order to conclude and / or execute the Agreement with the Visitor (Buyer).

It is the duty of the Visitor (Buyer) to provide the personal data that is necessary for the quality of the Seller's service. The Seller ensures that no personal data provided by the Visitor (Buyer) will be passed on to third parties, except when the personal data of the Visitor (Buyer) is required by the Seller's partners due to a quality offer provided by the Seller, such as courier services. In all other cases, the personal data of the Visitor (Buyer) may be disclosed to third parties only in accordance with the procedure established by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

The Visitor (Buyer) undertakes to immediately change and / or supplement the personal data provided by the Seller to the Store in the event of such data change. The Parties agree that the Seller will perform all its obligations and exercise its rights on the presumption that the personal data provided by the Visitor (Buyer) is correct and complete. In no event will the Seller be liable for any losses incurred by the Visitor (Buyer) and / or third parties due to the fact that the Visitor (Buyer) provided incorrect and / or incomplete personal data or did not change or supplement the provided personal data after their change. If the Visitor (Buyer) does not properly perform this contractual obligation and thereby causes losses to the Seller, then the Visitor (Buyer) undertakes to reimburse the Seller within a reasonable period of time specified by the Seller, which may not be less than 5 (five) business days.

In order to improve the visitor's (Buyer's) experience when using the Seller's Store, cookies are small pieces of textual information that are automatically generated while browsing the website and stored on the Visitor's (Buyer's) computer or other terminal device. The information collected by cookies allows the Seller to ensure the smooth operation of the website, the ability of the Visitor (Buyer) to browse more conveniently and learn more about the behavior of the Seller's Store users, analyze trends and improve both the website and Visitor (Buyer) service and services provided by the Seller. Cookie data is not transferred to third parties and the Visitor (Buyer) can choose whether to accept cookies. If the Visitor (Buyer) does not consent to the storage of cookies on his computer or other terminal device, he may change the settings of his Internet browser and disable all cookies or enable / disable them one by one. It is important to note that in some cases, this may slow down the browsing of the Store, restrict certain features of the Seller's Store, or block access to the Store.

The Seller seeks not to store outdated and / or unnecessary information and to ensure that the Visitor's (Buyer's) personal data and other information is constantly updated and correct, but in order to simplify the resolution of possible disputes regarding the Visitor's (Buyer's) purchased Goods information, including but not limited to the name of the Visitor (Buyer), e-mail e-mail address, delivery address of the order and / or the method of order withdrawal, names of the ordered Goods, quantities, prices. The Parties agree that the Seller has the right to unilaterally delete all or part of the Visitor (Buyer's) data, as well as other information, at any time, in its sole discretion and without notifying the Visitor (Buyer), in order to ensure its and the Visitor's (Buyer's) legitimate interests, which the Visitor (Buyer) provides to the Seller in any way when using the Store, restrict the possibilities or prohibit the Visitor (Buyer) from using all or part of the services and / or accessing the Store.

The Seller's online activities comply with all the requirements of international legal acts, legal acts of the European Union and the laws of the Republic of Lithuania for the respective activity. When processing personal data of data subjects, the seller complies with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and has implemented appropriate organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data to help protect personal data from accidental or unlawful destruction. , disclosure, as well as any other unlawful processing.

The Visitor (Buyer) has the following rights regarding his personal data:

• Apply directly to the Seller with a written request to provide information about the personal data of the Visitor (Buyer) processed by the Seller (“right to know” and “right to access”);

• Apply directly to the Seller with a written request to correct or destroy the Visitor's (Buyer's) personal data, when the Visitor (Buyer) determines that the data is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate ("right to rectify and destroy");

• Apply directly to the Seller with a written request to suspend the processing of the Visitor's (Buyer's) personal data, if the Visitor (Buyer) finds that personal data is being processed illegally or unfairly ("right to suspend");

• Apply directly to the Seller with a written request to object to the further processing of the Visitor's (Buyer's) personal data ("right to object");

• Apply directly to the Seller with a written request to restrict the processing of the Visitor's (Buyer's) personal data, if the processing of personal data is illegal ("right to restrict");

• Apply directly to the Seller with a written request to delete the Visitor's (Buyer's) data when personal data has been processed illegally or personal data are no longer necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed ("right to be forgotten");

• Contact the Seller directly with a written request to provide information about the personal data processed by the Seller and to receive the data in a structured, commonly used and computer-readable format ("right to data portability").

In exercising these rights, the Visitor (Buyer) may contact the Seller in writing in any of the following ways:

In writing: UAB SIMKA GROUP, Varpo 22-7, Kaunas, 51363, Lithuania


Only in case of failure to resolve the issue with the Seller and / or in case the Visitor (Buyer) suspects that the requirements of these Rules or legal acts may not be complied with, the Visitor (Buyer) has the right to apply to the authority responsible for personal data protection legislation and control.

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